Tuesday 26 November 2013

A Great Spotted Woodpecker appeared at the top of a lime tree near the leaf yard.

There are probably two pairs of them in the leaf yard, but they don't usually come out into clear view.

The Tawny Owls were in exactly the same place as they have been in for the past fortnight.

In this position they are facing each other over the top of the branch, and I hope that as they gaze on their mate thoughts of nesting and owlets are beginning to fill their minds.

The yew bush near Peter Pan was again surrounded by Blackbirds, at least one Song Thrush and a gang of Starlings all waiting their turn to plunge into it and eat berries. None of them provided a photo opportunity, so here instead is one of the heavily laden rowans at the top of Buck Hill, which has just attracted a flash mob of Starlings.

The moment only lasts a few seconds: fly in, grab a berry or two and straight out and back to the tree at the bottom of the hill where they congregate. No bird of any species seems to stay in the rowans for long, except for the two resident Magpies. Maybe these are the reason for the rush.

The Little Grebe turned up under the parapet of the Italian Garden, busily poking for food among the reed stems. It is in its plain winter plumage; all grebes look quite similar in winter except for their size.

There are only a few Cormorants now. Probably they have almost exhausted the lake's stock of fish of a size that interests them. But there are still plenty of smaller fish to be had, and this Great Crested Grebe was doing well above the baskets of twigs near the bridge, catching several fish as I watched.

Later there was a territorial dispute when this pair chased off the pair from the Serpentine island.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you had this opportunity to take such a good, close-up, photo of your favourite Little Grebe.
