Saturday 12 December 2020

The Little Owl on Buck Hill, who hasn't been seen much recently, came out in front of her hole ...

... despite the wind ruffling her feathers.

The female Peregrine was on the tower in the morning.

She flew off in the direction of her other perch on the Metropole Hilton hotel.

A young Herring Gull found at bit of waffle at the Bluebird Boats snack bar ...

... and easily dodged a raid by a Carrion Crow.

Another fished up a conker from the bottom of the lake and played with it.

A Common Gull flew up the Serpentine.

Black-Headed Gulls hovered near the Dell restaurant hoping to snatch a morsel.

The one in front is just beginning to get the dark head of its breeding plumage.

The Grey Heron in the Diana fountain persists in staying there although there are no fish and the water is turned off.

The Goldeneye was still at the east end of the Serpentine.

Tufted Ducks like to segregate into single-sex groups.

A pair of Egyptian Geese spruced up their colourful plumage.

A Mute Swan thundered past the Lido.


  1. So great to see the Little Owl's lovely face again. Has she been hiding in her hole all this time, or has she gone elsewhere and is now back?

    I imagine that the sound of the swan's beating wings must be spectacular.

    1. The female Little Owl seems to have two regular holes, and has certainly been hiding in one of them during the recent cold spell, but I don't know which one. The last sighting before this was near the other hole, in a a horse chestnut tree and not visible from the ground.

      A single Mute Swan flying can be heard a mile away. It seems that the sound acts as a form of communication. Other kinds of swan fly much more quietly.

  2. Lovely shot of the Little Owl!

    In our local park we also have a single Black-headed Gull that has a full dark hood already.

  3. Individuals do seem to be very variable, much more so than with the Larus species.
