Monday 28 December 2020

The Goldeneye on the Serpentine, who is usually seen diving incessantly, took a break to rest and stretch his legs.

Joan Chatterley got a good picture of him standing up to stretch his wings.

The Red-Crested Pochard on the Long Water fluffed up his crest to the maximum.

Common Pochards are gradually returning from wherever they suddenly went a couple of months ago.

One could be seen under the willow near the bridge ...

... where a Coot spotted a Black-Headed Gull with a bit of bread and chased it.

The fallen poplar at the Vista is a gathering place for Black-Headed Gulls.

A courting pair held their wings out and bowed and moaned affectionately to each other.

A sixth Grey Heron nest has been occupied. It's on the south side of the island, but the only picture I could get was from the north side, an indistinct view through the branches.

The Black Swan is still stuck in the reed bed, but there are algae and reeds for her to eat, and I'm sure Hugh will come and get her out soon.

The Kingfisher was going round the Long Water. I saw it on the west side, but later it was seen catching a fish and carrying it to somewhere near the fallen poplar, where it disappeared into a bush.

The usual Blue Tit near the Italian Garden looked out expectantly from a bramble stem.

This is one of the pair of Coal Tits in the leaf yard.

There's always time for a solitary dance in the Buck Hill shelter.


  1. I managed to see the Kingfisher today, the first I’ve seen here. It was opposite Peter Pan but moved after a few minutes, so I was lucky to see it.
    The Goldeneye was further west than I’d seen it before but I got some good views when I found it as it was resting rather than diving.
    There were a lot of Common Gulls at the Round Pond - at least 30
    I watched two male Mute Swans busking angrily on the Long Water. However their duel was broken up by the dominant swan who charged furiously at them and chased them under the bridge

    1. The Long Water dominant swan is now trying to carve out a bit of the Serpentine to add to his own domain.

  2. "Dance like there’s nobody watching".

    Ducks are such wonderful flying machine. To think that such a short-winged, squat little fellow like the Goldeneye may have flown all the way from Scandinavia and even Siberia...

    1. The mating display flights of the smaller ducks are wonderful to see -- great precision at high speed.

  3. The drake Red Crested Pochard is a fine bird for sure. Good to see Common Pochard back too. Maybe with the colder weather across the country you'll get a few more duck coming in?

    1. Most of the interesting migratory wildfowl now go straight through to the Wetland Centre and other new reserves. Good for them but a pity for us.

  4. How do you guys spot the kingfisher? Binoculars?

    1. It's very brightly coloured, both front and back, and should be findable with the naked eye. But obviously you need binoculars for a good view.
