Friday 16 October 2020

A Green Woodpecker near the Albert Memorial laughed sardonically, flew overhead, and landed in a horse chestnut tree. Its speckled head shows that it is a young bird.

Robins are singing loudly all over the park as they defend their winter territories. This one was at Queen's Gate ...

... and this one beside the Long Water.

Its rival on the other side of the path was particularly restless, flitting from branch to branch between bursts of song.

On the path near Peter Pan a Blackbird climbed around in a yew tree looking for berries.

A Rose-Ringed Parakeet nibbled at a fruit. Several bushes are entangled here, but I think this is a whitebeam.

A Pied Wagtail trotted past a fallen leaf.

A Carrion Crow bathed in the Serpentine.

A Grey Heron fishing at the island shook out its feathers and yawned hugely. Even patient herons get bored sometimes.

One of the two herons in the Dell looked out from the top of the tall weeping beech which gives excellent all-round views of its domain.

A Mute Swan flew past the island.

One of the young swans also made a short practice flight, but I didn't get the camera on it in time.

The Black Swan has returned to the Round Pond. It has a much easier life here than on the main lake, as it has already established itself as high in the pecking order and can chase the lower ranking swans off when someone is feeding the waterfowl.

A fine picture by Tom from Rainham Marshes: a Devil's Coach Horse beetle.


  1. I wonder why the Black Swan is so restless. It doesn't stay put at any one place for more than 24 hours.

    I don't think I've ever seen a Heron yawn! It must be bored out of its mind, considering how patient and stoical they are.

    All Robin song sounds lovely to me. I cannot tell when they are agitated or angry or asserting their dominance just from the song.

    1. I wish we could tell the Black Swan that there are others in St James's Park only five minutes' flight away. But it arrived on the Round Pond as a teenager and by accident, and it doesn't know its way around London as the older birds do.
