Saturday 9 November 2019

The day started well with sunshine and views of the female Little Owl near the Albert Memorial ...

... and the male on Buck Hill staring down from what now seems to be his usual tree.

After that both the weather and the sightings deteriorated, but there's always something to see. A Blackbird eyed the camera suspiciously from a fallen tree trunk.

A Robin ...

... and a Chaffinch were also wary of being photographed.

Long-Tailed Tits take no notice of humans.

With the Lido restaurant is closed for renovation there are few food scraps for the Starlings, so it's back searching for insects and worms in the planters.

A Pied Wagtail hunted on the tarmac below.

A Starling perched on the notice about Hyde Park wildlife, drawing attention to the lamentable syntax in the second sentence.

Two pleasing photographs by Mark Williams: a Blue Tit fluffed up among unseasonably early buds ...

... and a Coal Tit, so small that a leaf is an umbrella and a tree is a town.

It's hard to know why the Grey Heron in the Dell spends so much time in the little pool at the top of the waterfall. It knows perfectly well that there are no fish here, and the chance of a rat in the border plants is small. But there must be long periods in a heron's life when it does absolutely nothing.

Great Crested Grebes are also masters of idleness.

The Black Swan was still on the Round Pond, reaching for algae at the bottom.  It doesn't seem to be having trouble with the Mute Swans -- those on the pond are lower ranking birds than on the lake, and less aggressive.


  1. Sturnus vulgaris meets Syntaxis confusum. Jim

    1. An ungainly bird that flies upside down.

    2. Even the Starling looks confused by the syntax.

      I think someone ought to form a school of philosophy bearing a Heron as its symbol (the erodioterion?). They are natural philosophers.

    3. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish philosophical contemplation from complete absence of thought.
