Monday 27 November 2017

This Blackbird is often seen on a soggy patch of grass at the Dell, next to the bicycle path. He takes no notice of the passing cyclists as he turns over the leaves.

I didn't get video of him catching anything, but did get stills of him with a worm, and then a woodlouse.

Just around the corner, a Wren was unusually obliging about being photographed.

The Goldcrests in the yew tree next to the Henry Moore sculpture were easy to see.

Charlie the Carrion Crow saw me on the bridge and came up to demand a peanut.

The usual two Little Owls could be seen near the Albert Memorial ...

... and the Henry Moore.

I haven't seen either of the owls at the leaf yard for a while. They may have gone inside the yard to get better cover from the annoying Magpies, who are more of a problem now that the leaves have fallen and the owls are more visible.

The Grey Heron at the Dell restaurant thought there might be some fish lurking under a lifebelt.

The pigeon-killing Lesser Black-Backed Gull had enjoyed his breakfast and flown away, leaving the remains for this Lesser Black-Back with pale yellow legs to finish.

Three Cormorants fished together under the parapet of the Italian Garden, bringing up fish but also leaves, which had to be separated and discarded.

I went to St James's Park to see how the Black Swans were doing. The romance is still on.

A pair of Little Grebes were fishing and calling to each other. One caught a fish.

Just three soldiers rode to perform the changing of the guard. I don't know whether this is the result of army cuts, or whether the rest of the regiment were standing with drawn swords around Meghan Markle.


  1. Changing of the Guard going the way of Trooping the Colour- diminishing spectacles?

    1. They'll be replaced with cardboard cutouts soon.
