Wednesday 27 May 2015

There were Blackcaps all round the Long Water, hopping restlessly through the trees. With perseverance, it was possible to get a picture of a male ...

... a female ...

... and a young one, already fledged but still looking a bit fluffy.

The Mute Swans that have invaded the Long Water are lounging all over the new gravel bank.

A pair are nesting in a reed bed on the east side ...

... observed with interest by a fox across the water, standing on a branch of the fallen horse chestnut tree. If they stay in that place, it will have them.

But the swans can't nest on the new island, as it is now in the possession of a pair of Canada Geese who will fiercely defend their nest. Yesterday I saw the sitting bird turning at least three eggs, which were still unhatched and intact. They should hatch in the next few days.

A Grey Heron was standing in the waterlily bed in one of the Italian Garden pools, which contains both carp and perch -- though no one knows how these got in.

The fish tend to shelter under the waterlily leaves. The heron knows this.

The male Little Owl was in his usual tree, staring down at the meaningless antics of humans.


  1. I was always told water got stocked with fish because their eggs stuck to transient birds' feet.

    While i have your attention: I saw a (female?) Great Crested Grebe on the Dell side of the islet ;sat Sunday, carrying three small chicks on her back; partner assiduously fishing and bringing food. And the weekend before I happened to be on the bridge when the moorhens nesting there changing shifts, and there were two speckled eggs clearly visible. I too saw the sitting bird with wings widely-spread, as if over a clutch, last Sunday.

    Harry G.

  2. Thanks. Interesting about the Great Crested Grebe chicks, which I had completely missed. See Thursday's post.
