Thursday 14 May 2015

On a day of constant rain, this Carrion Crow on the edge of the Serpentine was looking very soggy. I gave it a peanut to cheer it up.

The rain had brought a lot of Swifts to the Round Pond, as it usually does, and as usual on wet days the insects were low over the water and the birds were skimming the waves catching them.

There has been a Great Crested Grebe on the Round Pond for several days, and today it was joined by two more. It seems a poor place for them compared to the main lake, but evidently there are enough fish to sustain them. On several occasions Little Grebes have stayed here for weeks.

The House Martins at the east end of the Serpentine were flying higher.

The algae on the edge of the lake, carefully jet-washed away a few weeks ago, have grown back thick, fresh and green, and a Tufted Duck was enjoying them.

The park staff wage a constant war on algae, but they might as well give up. As Horace wrote, Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret -- You may drive out Nature with a pitchfork, but she will still rush back.

This Gadwall at Peter Pan was quacking in the quiet, hoarse way that Gadwalls have.

Their Latin name, Anas strepera, means 'noisy duck', which seems quite wrong.

The male Little Owl looked briefly out of his tree, didn't like what he saw, and went back in.

The female Chaffinch who has been hanging around here for a while finally plucked up courage and came to my hand for food twice.

She may not be so bold tomorrow when she isn't cold and wet.

Today's baby bird is a Robin, seen on the north shore of the Serpentine near the bridge.

There was another brood of Robins under a bush at the Lido.


  1. The juvenile robin's markings are lovely.

    1. They are very charming little creatures, and less shy than adults.

    2. The adult robins in our garden don't know the meaning of the word 'shy' - they are right up with you when the gardening tools come out!

    3. It's really a matter of whether they know you.

    4. Ah, ours recognise us as sources of grub! Just seen a starling fledgling begging mum/dad for food by the fat-balls. The blackbird fledgling is now feeding independently in the garden. Lovely to see the young doing well.
