Friday 6 January 2023

Today in the Italian Garden

Three pictures from today, all by Ahmet Amerikali to whom thanks, and all taken at the Italian Garden.

A Cormorant caught a perch in one of the fountain pools. I'm amazed they're still finding fish here, but Paul explained that perch are good at hiding in algae.

The Little Grebe is still shadowing the Gadwalls.

Three Mallards flew over, the drakes vying for the attention of the female.

Last, a picture by me from a few days ago: the female Little Owl at the Speke obelisk. Included because owls are necessary.

As I said yesterday, all contributions will be gratefully received. Pictures don't have to be from the park, and don't have to be recent as long as they are interesting. Minimum size 1600 pixels wide, 1200 high, please.


  1. Deleted my lame attempts with my iPhone today, but can report that in the Flower Walk, the usual great and blue tits (fuzzy and plain) took pine nuts from my hand, while the Robin chaffinch and jay looked on enviously. Will try harder!

    1. The Robin will come eventually. Try throwing pine nuts in the air for the Chaffinches to catch.

    2. Dear Ralph, have just caught up with your misfortune, just to say how sorry I was to hear the news and to wish you all the very best for a speedy recovery. Everyone will I am sure look forward to having you back as soon as you are well enough. Best wishes, David

  2. Hey Ralph, do you have aby tips to find the little owls in the park?

    1. The teenage Little Owl at the Round Pond lives in this dead tree:'25.3%22N+0%C2%B010'52.4%22W/@51.5070278,-0.1812222,482m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xdd90cda4ee058711!7e2!8m2!3d51.5070205!4d-0.1812107?hl=en

      The adult male near the Speke obelisk lives in a hole in the end of a sawn-off branch in this old sweet chestnut:'32.2%22N+0%C2%B010'42.2%22W/@51.5089548,-0.1789392,241m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x68cfca5f17657533!7e2!8m2!3d51.5089544!4d-0.1783917?hl=en
      He's more likely to be in one of the nearby oaks.

      But now in midwinter there's much less chance of seeing them. If we get a sunny day it's worth trying. For the Round Pond owl it's also necessary that there should be little wind, as this is a very exposed place on high ground with little cover.

    2. Thank you for the information!
