Wednesday 11 August 2021

The Little Owls weren't visible in the morning, but a later visit found them calling to each other. This is the female.

One young Sparrowhawk called briefly from the area around the greenhouses, but it didn't come into sight.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker probed the bark on a branch, searching for insects underneath.

A pair of Carrion Crows conversed on an oak branch.

In another oak, a Wren protested angrily about a crow in the treetop.

A Long-Tailed Tit paused on a bramble.

One of the young Grey Herons looked out from the nest on the island. They will start climbing around soon and should be easier to see.

The Coot chick in the Italian Garden sat in the nest beside a parent.

The Black Swan idly stuck out a very large foot.

A Tufted Duck made itself comfortable on an abandoned Coot nest at the island.

A top view of the weir where the water flows out of the Serpentine, with a pair of Mallards cropping the algae on the edge.

This is the first Willow Emerald damselfly I've seen this year. It was near the bridge. They seem to like the spikes of the iron railings, and often perch on them.

The thistles in the valley of the Tyburn Brook attracted several Brimstone butterflies.

A Common Blue perched on a Bird's-Foot Trefoil. Their underwing pattern is completely different from the top pattern, and also beautiful.

A Meadow Grasshopper rested on a bit of bark.

Tom was at Rainham Marshes, where he got some fine pictures of a Great Egret ...

... a very pale juvenile Buzzard ...

... and a Water Vole peering out from the reeds.


  1. I was at St James’s Park today and saw some medium-sized Great Crested Grebe chicks. There were 3 I think. They were visible (and audible!) from the bridge looking towards Horse Guards!

    1. Excellent. There are never many in St James's Park -- little space for nest sites, I think -- but lots of fish as the lake is stocked for the benefit of the pelicans.

  2. Some excellent insect shots-a very bright Meadow Grasshopper. Good to see your first Willow Emerald of the year-will record that. Have yet to see one this year.

    Enjoy Tom's shot of the Great Egret. Seems like they've had another excellent breeding season in Somerset.

    1. Surprised to see a Willow Emerald before you. I'm puzzled by their liking for the spikes on railings. Evidently they prefer to perch on vertical stems.
