Thursday, 2 January 2020

We had one of our occasional visits from a Great Black-Backed Gull.

It stood on a post in the Long Water, an imposing creature as big as the Cormorants on either side. I would have like to tell you where it came from, but unfortunately the ring M6AT doesn't fit any data for red or orange rings on the web site.

Both male Little Owls were on show on a dark morning, one near the Albert Memorial ...

... and the other near the Henry Moore sculpture.

The female Peregrine was visible on the barracks tower for a few minutes.

There were six Grey Herons on the island. Here are four of them.

A Pied Wagtail ran around on the shore.

A male Chaffinch fidgeted about in a winter-flowering cherry near the bridge, and ate a leaf bud.

There was another under the feeder in the Rose Garden.

A brief sunny spell lit up a Robin beside the Long Water.

A Song Thrush sang in the Flower Walk, barely audible over the deafening racket of a bark chipper so I didn't video it.

An Egyptian Goose struck a silly pose on a post at Peter Pan.

A pair of Mute Swans fed together at the Lido.


  1. No moorhen would dare to chase that huge gull off its post!

  2. Hey, Goose yoga!

    What an absolutely imposing bird, that GBB. The picture captures perfectly well its hugeness and its power.

    1. Great Black-Backed Gulls are genuinely terrifying. Lock up your lapdogs.

  3. Great Black-backs are impressive birds. I remember many years ago seeing one kill a Moorhen on the Dungeness RSPB Reserve.

    1. Luckily they never stay here long. Otherwise our pigeon-eating LBB might be picking up tips.
