Saturday 27 April 2019

More House Martins have arrived on the Serpentine, and a pair were already visiting their nest hole in the cornice of the Kuwaiti embassy in Knightsbridge.

The was a Grey Wagtail on the shore at the Lido restaurant.

A Blackbird beside the Long Water collected a worm for its nestlings.

A Robin stared seriously from a twig.

Long-Tailed Tits were whizzing around an alder tree, undeterred by the strong wind whipping the branches.

The Great Crested Grebes' nest on the basket at the west end at the island is partly sheltered from the waves, and seemed to be holding together.

It was a hard day for the Coots nesting under the bridge. One of them, bringing leaves to the nest, was startled when a Great Crested Grebe brushed past it under water.

The grebe annoyed  it further by fishing close to the nest, and caught two fish.

Then a Grey Heron approached the nest. The Coot stood its ground against the terrible beak.

A Mandarin drake was ruffled by the strong wind but still managed to preen his showy feathers.

Virginia was at the Round Pond yesterday evening, and found the Egyptian Goose sheltering her goslings on the solar panel platform. She had also just laid a very late egg, having mistimed things badly.

Depending on the water level, it's a jump of at least six inches straight up to get on to the platform, which can't be reached from the shore -- a remarkable athletic feat by the goslings.

Ian Young reports that the Black Swans' single cygnet in St James's Park is alive and well.

A large and motley crowd of people with trotting horses and cars paraded on Rotten Row. I've never seen this in the park before.

Nor have I seen a procession of people dressed as rabbits and riding BMX bikes. I have no explanation for this.


  1. Appleby Horse Fair come to Hyde Park? No idea re the rabbits; bit late for Easter.

    1. Some things are destined to remain ever shrouded in mystery.

  2. I admire Coots for the way they stand up against birds which are bigger and more dangerous than them, like swans and herons

    1. The Coot built its nest in a thoroughly unsuitable place, and is doomed to constant conflict. I've also photographed it attacking a swan. Sadly, I think the gulls on the posts will almost certainly eat its babies the moment they appear.

  3. Never a dull moment at the park, it seems. Best place for people-watching I've ever come across.

    Experienced handlers will recoil from an angry Heron. And yet a Coot will stand its ground.

    Great to see the Cygnet fairly in the way of reaching adulthood

    1. Homo soi-disant sapiens is certainly the strangest and most unpredictable of the park's species.
