Wednesday 25 March 2015

The young Egyptian Geese on the Round Pond were having a hard time getting out. The new kerb has been unevenly laid (laser levelling can't manage something that the ancient Egyptians did accurately with a leather hose full of water) and in this place it was five inches above the water. The stronger ones managed to jump clean out, and the others got up with a bit of a scramble.

But the smallest one was left behind. Luckily it had the good sense to swim to one of the overflow grilles, where it could walk out, and soon rejoined the family.

The Scaup was in his usual place on the north side the Serpentine, but I've published too many pictures of him recently. The Goldeneye was also visible, right at the east end of the Serpentine.

She is not as obliging as the Scaup, and obstinately remained 50 yards from the shore.

Just up the lake, a young Herring Gull was checking a plastic bag to see if it contained anything edible.

The flock of Pied Wagtails was still running around on the south shore. Although they mostly hunt on the ground, they can find insects in trees too.

But here they can't equal the specialists, such as this Treecreeper near the Physical Energy statue ...

... or this Blue Tit. I gave it a pine nut, which it held down on the branch with its strong little feet while it pecked at it.

Melissa the Carrion Crow was having a jacuzzi in the marble fountain in the Italian Garden (you would never know it is marble, as it is thickly encrusted with algae).

When she was completely saturated, she flapped wetly up to a branch and shook herself like a dog.

The Mute Swans on the island in the Long Water were busily throwing around the reeds that had been laid for them. Although at one point both of them stood up, I couldn't see their eggs to count them. There should now be more than the two seen yesterday morning.

The male Little Owl didn't feel like a public appearance today, but occasionally he put his head above the edge of his hole and gave the assembled photographers an intense yellow stare.


  1. we were standing with you waiting for the owl to make an appearance this afternoon. After you left he did appear and we were delighted to catch him on camera. Thank you for your help. no doubt we will see you another time as we are regulars to the park!

    1. Glad the owl finally obliged. He eventually turned up for me later, but not for very long. We shall see more of him when there are leaves on the tree.

    2. Thank you, that is well worth knowing. we thought once the leaves begin to appear we may not have the chance to see him. It would be great to see the other owl. maybe we will be lucky next time we are there.
      It is really good reading your daily reports and seeing your photos each day, it keeps us up to date on the days we are unable to be there ourselves!

  2. Hi Ralph, I visited the Serpentine on Friday afternoon, first had a spare loaf of bread (fresh and brown) to dispose of on the north bank and bam! there was Scaup in the thick of it, though my pictures were poor because of backlighting and his movement. I scanned and scanned for the Goldeneye unsucessfully and wondered if it was taking a siesta on the island? The Scaup could easily be found again from the opposite bank.
    There was a/the Lesser Black Back on the Dell Restaurant canopy, amidst some pigeons. Every so often it would stroll nonchalantly toward the back of one but be calmly outwitted. Then it swooped down and consummately seized a large piece of bread from among the throng of ducks. Jim n.L.

  3. By the way, also found 'blondie' and mate among some Egyptians loitering at the south corner, all lovely and tame but very sharp to move clear as a charging dog approached. Terrible how some dog owners seem to think this is a valid way to exercise the mutts. Jim

    1. Dog owners live on Planet K9, where everything their pet does is lovely and amusing and of course he wouldn't do any harm, and the world is their lavatory. Blondie and her mate had to take to the air when I was there, and I have a not very good picture of her flying with her pretty pale wings.

  4. On Wednesday 26th March I thought I would try to glimpse the Little Owls. When I arrived at the tree where they nest I was shocked and disappointed to find a photographer was playing a recording of the owl's call in an attempt to lure the birds out. This was very irresponsible behaviour putting breeding birds under a lot of unnecessary stress. I feel sure the person responsible must have known what they were doing was wrong.
