Tuesday 10 March 2015

Both of the Little Owls near the leaf yard were visible, if not exactly out. The male was in his usual place in the nest tree, looking out of the hole ...

... and the female was in the next chestnut tree up the hill, calling to him.

The male Tawny Owl was in his usual place, basking in the warm sunlight.

Several people were waiting at the place where the Cetti's Warbler has been heard, but there was not a sound from it. Every now and then a little brown bird would hop into view, but it was always a Wren.

A Cetti's Warbler is the same colour as a Wren, but a bit larger and more of a conventional bird shape than the dumpy, short-tailed Wren.

A Treecreeper sang, and ran up an oak tree near the leaf yard. You can see how its shining white underside actually makes it less conspicuous, resembling the sunlit side of a deep fissure in the bark. They prefer trees with rough bark, as these hold more insects.

There were no Cormorants on either lake. This gave the pair of Great Crested Grebes from the nest near the bridge a chance to fish in the wire baskets, and they were doing remarkably well. This one caught two perch inside a minute.

A female Mallard was exploring the lower waterfall in the Dell.

The Scaup was still on the Serpentine, but stayed too far away for a photograph.

Near the bridge, a Song Thrush was singing enthusiastically as the sun set.

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