Wednesday 10 July 2024

The Peregrines return

The Peregrines seem to have finished bringing up their young. Today they were back in their usual place on the barracks.

The Little owlet at the Round Pond glared down from the nest hole at a Magpie which had landed on a branch.

Its mother was in the lime tree on the other side of the nest tree and couldn't see it, so she wasn't worried. The Magpie gave up anyway and flew off.

The male Blackbird in the Rose Garden shrubbery was visited by one of his fledglings.

He went off to find a fallen dogwood berry.

A young Chiffchaff searched for insects in the dead hawthorn near the Henry Moore sculpture.

There was a family of Blue Tits in the same tree. This is one of the young ones, still grey rather than blue.

Two Magpies, also looking for insects, arrived, frightening the small birds away. They paused to have a preen.

A young Black-Headed Gull flew at another one on a post at Peter Pan ...

... which yielded to the attack ...

... and let it land. Young gulls are extra aggressive and can also displace senior birds from their perches.

A Grey Heron looked down from a weeping willow beside the Serpentine. They often choose these trees to perch in, since the hanging twigs don't obstruct their view.

The Great Crested Grebe chick on the Serpentine is growing up and now has a little black crest.

The six cygnets of the Mute Swans on the Long Water upended as they pulled up algae from the lake bottom.

The family saw someone who looked as if he might have food and hurried over to the Vista, where the male had a confrontation with a heron. Not surprisingly, the heron fled from this huge and furious creature.

There was a brief glimpse of a Wood Mouse coming out between two stones on the steps down to the bridge. This video is in 3x slow motion.

A male Emperor dragonfly hunted over the Italian Garden fountains.

A Buff-Tailed Bumblebee wandered around a globe thistle in the Rose Garden.


  1. Hi Ralph, not at all surprising that the heron fled, swans can be quite intimidating !!...great to see the peregrines making an appearance...VERY cute video of the mouse....regards,Stephen..

    1. I'd have fled myself if the killer swan had anvanced on me. It looks as if Wood Mice are increasing in the park: two seen in recent months when I had only seen one ever in the earlier years of the blog.

  2. Lovely picture of the pleasingly rounded bumblebee on the spherical globe thistle!
    The picture of the furious Swan attacking the Heron is amazing. The Heron has its heckles raised, and little wonder. It must be the closest thing to having a dreadnought lunging at you.

    1. Hard to see how the bumblebee extracts nectar from that armoured flower. They have a long proboscis, but even so.

    2. The florets had not yet opened surely? Jim

    3. Evidently the bee was hoping that some had.
