Tuesday 2 July 2024

A new Great Crested Grebe chick

The second Great Crested Grebe nest on the Long Water has produced at least one chick, here being carried by its father -- there may be another out of sight. The sound you can hear is from the older chick from the other nest.

The mother took a break from fishing and rested under the willow tree where she nested.

The Coots under the Dell restaurant terrace have also made progress at last and have at least one egg.

But the Egyptian Goose nearby is down to two goslings, a sad reduction from her original ten.

The three Canada x Greylag hybrid geese crossed the road to browse on the grass on the other side.

There was a fourth hybrid with a speckled head farther along the shore.

A young Canada ate a fallen plum from a tree at the Triangle.

After a heavy shower the Grey Heron chicks in the nest on the island were in a damp huddle.

The new gravel strip in the Round Pond is a busy place, at the moment covered with Black-Headed Gulls returned from their breeding ground with some young birds, plus a Mallard drake, two female Gadwalls at the end of the strip, a pair of Great Crested Grebes fishing around the edge, and a Coot which nested unsuccessfully -- you can see the remains of its nest behind the Gadwalls. The strip is covered in bird droppings, and if YouTube did smells I'd have to turn the volume down.

This is one of the young Black-Headed Gulls.

There was also a third female Gadwall in the water nearby.

A young Pied Wagtail was also on the gravel, looking slightly damp.

I hadn't expected to see the Little Owls in the rain, but as soon as it stopped the male owl emerged from the nest hole and flew into a horse chestnut tree.

The owlet had evidently been trying to shelter in another horse chestnut, not too successfully as you can see that it's quite wet.

A female Blackbird collected two slugs to take to her nest near the Italian Garden.

The Magpies in the nest in the Triangle shrubbery have nested successfully, and one of the young ones was on the shore.

Two Carrion Crows perched in the top of a small lime tree.

There are a few places in the park where you can see the tower of the deserted hotel in the Cromwell Road nearly a mile away, where the Peregrines that we usually see on the barracks have been nesting and raising chicks. As I passed one of these viewpoints I noticed a Peregrine perched on the corner of the roof -- too far away to tell which one, of course.


  1. Yes, that is precisely where I saw one of the Peregrines today!

    1. I didn't have time to go to the hotel today, but I must.

  2. Wow I have never seen a juvenile black headed gull before. Thank you

  3. Please don't be giving YoutTube any ideas.
    Poor thing, he's soaked through and through. Even his wing is trailing down.
    I'm almost afraid to ask: what are the prospect for the Grebe chick right now?

    1. There really was a thing called Smell-O-Vision, tried in cinemas in 1960 for a film called Scent of Mystery. The slogan was 'First they moved (1895)! Then they talked (1927)! Now they smell!'

      Th Grebe chick has a good chance at this time of year. There are lots of fish of a suitable size, and the Long Water has few large gulls.

    2. Can think of quite a few movies that stunk the cinema out without the assistance of Smell-O-Vision. :(

    3. Most new ones, for a start.

    4. That is not to be denied. ;)
