Friday 26 March 2021

The morning was sunny but there was a keen wind, and the seven Egyptian goslings at the Henry Moore sculpture sheltered under their mother, on the right in this picture.

It started to rain, so the six goslings on the Serpentine had all the more reason to shelter. (We know that there were seven and six because they were visible at other times).

The sole survivor on the other side of the lake was not worried, and was grazing happily.

The rain made a puddle for the flock at the Round Pond to drink from, as they much prefer rainwater to the borehole water in the pond.

The Mallards on the waterfall in the Dell are proverbially waterproof.

At last the female Mute Swan on the dominant pair is taking notice of the island repaired for her to nest on. But the pair are being very slow this year.

The dominant male is also slacking at his job of clearing the other swans off the Long Water. The Black Swan had moved up the lake as far as Peter Pan, as usual obsessively following the Mute male.

A Grey Heron on the fallen tree jumped from one branch to another ...

... didn't like it, and jumped back.

A gang of young Herring Gulls played in the Diana memorial fountain in the rain.

A lot of Lesser Black-Backed Gulls were on the other side of the fountain, far more than the handful usually in the park. This picture shows only some of 30 or so that were in the area.

There were also two at the leaf yard looking for worms in the muddy expanse made by the feet of parakeet feeders.

Two Pied Wagtails hunted for insects beside the Round Pond.

A Chaffinch foraged in the wet weeds.

The Household Cavalry practised their manoeuvres in Rotten Row. The carriage is from the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace. It's not clear what its role is, and when it had passed the mounted soldiers they headed off in the opposite direction. Sad to see that the coachmen are being made to wear soggy bacteria-laden masks in the clean open air.


  1. My understanding was you need to wear a mask if you're inside or can't social distance outside? There's no need for a mask outdoors in Kensington on a carriage!!

    1. Of course not, but people have become so cowed by the irrational edicts of a tyrannical government that they are falling over each other to display their submission.

    2. Here wearing a mask in the open air is compulsory even if you are on your own in the middle of a forest or on top of a mountain. Some 'law-breakers' who weren't wearing masks while going for a walk in deserted corners have been photographed by police drones and later fined. Not kidding at all. Many persons are having trouble breathing, myself included.

      Speaking of more cheerful things: I love the detail of the droplets dotting the downy little body of the little Egyptian, happily making the most of hte tasty plants.

    3. We are at the mercy of venal idiots. The little Egyptian is in constant danger of being eaten, but at least it will never be exposed to politicians, police or lawyers.
