Sunday 10 February 2019

On nasty dark day of strong wind and drizzle, it was surprising to see the Little Owl near the Albert Memorial, though she only looked out of her hole for a short time.

Every time I visit this tree a pair of Great Tits arrive to be fed.

As usual, Long-Tailed Tits were passing by the feeders in the Dell.

The corkscrew hazel below the feeders belongs to a Robin.

Robins' feet don't grip as strongly as those of tits, and they have a hard time getting at wire cage feeders. But this one in the Rose Garden has been practising, and is quite good at it now.

There are plenty of Robins in the Flower Walk. Flowers attract insects, and insects attract Robins.

The usual Wren was rushing around on the damp path.

Blackbirds like wet conditions, and several were out hunting worms on the lawns of the Rose Garden.

Redwings in the trees on the Parade Ground made their gentle flocking call. There was a Fieldfare with them, on the left.

In the Dell, a Magpie inspected a clump of snowdrops for possible insects.

The absence of people gave two Carrion Crows plenty of time to go through a rubbish bin.

A Moorhen was ruffled as it turned downwind.

One of the Little Grebes could be seen under the brambles on the Long Water near the Italian Garden.

The air bubblers in the Long Water have created a little ecosystem. They bring up silt and little aquatic creatures. This attracts fish, and Cormorants come to catch the fish.

A pair of Gadwalls bobbed on the waves on the Serpentine.

The Red-Crested Pochard in the Italian Garden was dozing, but cast a suspicious red eye at the camera.


  1. I had a pleasant afternoon in the park and like you had a very brief view of the Little Owl at the Albert Memorial. There were still some Redwings at the roped-off area nearby. I also saw a Grey Wagtail running across the top of the Dell waterfall and a Bar-Headed Goose nearby at the east end of the Serpentine. There was a single rabbit at Henry Moore.

    1. Glad to hear in particular that the Grey Wagtail is still visible. They have a tough time here. I think they are an outlier from the colony at the old coal dock downriver from Chelsea Bridge.

  2. Robins are one of the incentives of life. They should be considered therapy animals.

    I love how attentively the perfectly round, perfectly adorable Long Tailed Tit is looking at the camera.

    Perhaps the Magpie chose such a flattering location to increase the smartness of its look.

    1. It's remarkable what frontally set eyes Long-Tailed Tits have. It gives them almost an owl-like stare.
