Tuesday 5 December 2017

The Peregrine was back on the tower of the Household Cavalry barracks, though it only stayed there for a few minutes.

Two Goldfinches were flitting around the Rose Garden, staying high up in the trees. Even at this height they are shy of being photographed.

But a Robin sat calmly on a bench, waiting for a gardener to move on down the flower bed, exposing a patch of freshly turned earth that would have insects and worms in it.

A Wren was down there already, and found a larva.

A Carrion Crow had found a bit of rather gristly cooked meat at a snack bar in the Winter Wasteland, and ripped it to pieces.

A Blackbird was pleased to find a lot of fruit on a bush in the Flower Walk.

Long-Tailed Tits were circling the lake on their endless hunt for insects.

The male Little Owl at the leaf yard was in his usual horse chestnut tree.

The female near the Henry Moore sculpture was also out.

The Little Grebe was still under the willow near the bridge, occasionally visible in dark places under the branches.

A teenage Great Crested Grebe was still pestering its parents, but getting no response at all. It's long past the age where it's supposed to be independent.

A Black-Headed Gull had a difficult time with a bit of bread crust. Not only was it too big to swallow, but another gull tried to take it.

A close-up of another in the middle of growing its dark head feathers. They sprout up under the white feathers and gradually replace them.


  1. Splendid close up of the Black-headed Gull! Didactic and lovely.

    Are there bird neets I wonder. That teenage Grebe is so human-like in its behaviour in that sense.

    Lovely how you captured the scattered drops of water dotting the plumage of the Little Grebe. So enjoyable.

  2. I really would have expected a sensible bird like a grebe not to behave like a mere human.
