Tuesday 27 December 2016

The Little Owls in the lime tree near the Henry Moore sculpture have recaptured their hole from the invading Rose-Ringed Parakeet. The female was perched in front of it, but she is a nervous bird and when she saw me she flew into the next tree.

The female Little Owl near the Albert Memorial was basking in the sunlight. It was a cold morning and she was fluffed up to the maximum.

The sunshine started a Goldcrest singing in a tree at the southwest corner of the bridge, and one of the pair appeared for a moment.

There is also a pair of Coal Tits in this shrubbery ...

... and a Robin.

The holiday had brought people to the leaf yard to feed the parakeets. A pair were sharing an apple.

Feral Pigeons were bathing on their favourite duckboard in the Italian Garden ...

... watched by a pair of Gadwalls.

A Moorhen was climbing carefully down the vertical surface of a clump of dead willowherb on one of the reed rafts. It would have been easier to fly down, but Moorhens enjoy a climbing challenge.

One of the Grey Herons at the island flew up to the nest in the birch tree.

A Great Crested Grebe charged down the lake and just about got airborne before giving up the struggle.

This young Herring Gull and Lesser Black-Backed Gull have just reached the age, about 18 months, when adult feathers are coming out on their backs, so that it's possible to confidently tell which is which.


  1. I was able to take a beautiful photo of both Albert Memorial Little owls sunning themselves outside their hole. This was the first time I've had the privilege of seeing them together!

    1. It's rare to see them together, though I have sometimes seen a second one in the hole peering over the first one's shoulder.

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