Sunday 24 June 2012

One of the Reed Warblers was singing in the patch of reeds on the Long Water by the bridge. Nearby, the Moorhens that nest in the drain have one chick. There are probably more on the way, as one of the adults went into the drain and did not emerge for some time.

The Great Crested Grebes nesting on the island are still in good order. Here is a photograph, too distant but the best I could do, of the two chicks seen so far looking out under their father's left wing. Their mother was out in the lake fishing busily but not catching much. There are now some young fish up to 2 inches long in the lake. It will be easier for the grebes when their young are a little larger and can be taken to the meal instead of having to carry the catch several hundred yards back to the nest.

A Song Thrush was singing gloriously from a dead branch near the Henry Moore sculpture. There is only about a week to go before they fall silent till next spring. Both Blackbird and Song Thrushes develop their songs over the season, so the last song is the best.

A Greenfinch was calling on the other side of the Vista. There are not many of these in the park, nor Goldfinches, for some reason, although Chaffinches are abundant.

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