Saturday 29 June 2024

Not seeing a Kingfisher

A sunny Saturday and a noisy music festival in Hyde Park meant that the park was jam-packed with people, so there wasn't much to see. At least the male Little Owl at the Round Pond made a welcome appearance, preening in his usual lime tree.

The owlet flew on to a horse chestnut branch.

Several flocks on Long-Tailed Tits were roaming around. One was feeding in a tree anemone behind the Albert Memorial ...

... and another in the top of a larch in the Rose Garden.

The usual male Chaffinch in the Rose Garden was on a high twig eating an insect.

A Blackbird perched on the railings in the Flower Walk.

Ahmet Amerikali got a picture of a Reed Warbler in the reeds under the Italian Garden.

He also saw a Kingfisher flying from the east end of the Serpentine towards the island. We both looked for it carefully all around the lake but it stayed out of sight.

A Grey Wagtail ran along the edge of the Serpentine by the terrace of the Lido restaurant.

A Grey Heron landed neatly on the fallen poplar at the Vista.

The Great Crested Grebe chick on the Long Water was diving alongside its father, just playing but at the same time learning to fish.

The precarious nest at the Serpentine island has held together for another day. 

The young Moorhen here is absolutely fearless and pecks at your shoes to see if there's anything to eat on them.

The Black Swan languidly extended a large foot.

The Bar-Headed x Greylag Goose hybrid trotted up to be given a peanut.

The Egyptian Goose with four half-grown goslings at the Vista saw people on the shore and hurried over in the hope of being fed.

A Meadow Brown butterfly fed on a bramble flower.

A patch of lavender by the Dell attracted Honeybees ...

... and a Common Carder.


  1. Hi Ralph, how nice to see a butterfly today.!! .. a noisy music festival ? Sounds dreadful !!. I guess the park (MIS )management is just thinking of the revenue, as always...I am going to check on some barn owl boxes tomm afternoon.i will try and take (& send you) some pics.but, they will have to be done VIA the smartphone do you still want them?.., I have purchased a "jewellers loup" to examine flowers with, have you used them?..regards,Stephen..

    1. Thanks, but I can only use pictures of a reasonable size, not the seriously reduced size that smartphones usually impose. Blog pictures are 1600 x 1200 pixels, always landscape format, and that's a minimum: larger pictures can be scaled down but smaller ones can't be enlarged.

      I'd have thought that a jeweller's loupe would be too powerful and too close a thing to use for flowers, and an ordinary magnifying glass would be handier in the field. But it depends on what level of detail you're looking for.

  2. Hi Ralph, ok sorry I did not know about photo size/format etc, I asked in good faith..I am only a beginner when it comes to photos, as for the loupe, I have tried it today on a little flower in the back yard, the level of detail IS very impressive....should be quite a useful thing....regards,Stephen...

  3. I hope you'll get a picture of the Moorhen pecking at your shoe. We've had the misadventures of Headbanger, I hope we'll also get a similar treatment for Shoe-biter.
