Thursday 20 June 2024

Little owlet extra

I went back to the Round Pond at sunset to investigate the Little Owls. They become active at this time, waiting for the park to close and the people to go away so that they can hunt on the ground. My smaller camera has a low light setting, though the results are none too sharp.

The male owl was in the same horse chestnut ...

... and an owlet was out on a branch.

But there was a good deal of toing and froing around the nest tree, and I am fairly sure that there are two owlets. However, all the following video is of the owlet in the previous still picture.

Its father brought it something to eat -- maybe a caterpillar, beetle or worm. Sorry that the video is a bit shaky: the AI stabiliser routine doesn't work on this kind of footage.


  1. Oh my God the fuzzball! Doen't it look a bit larger than its father? I don't know it's because its fluffiness or because it may be a female.

    1. I think it's the fluffiness. Some other birds as well as owls look oversized when young.
