Sunday 10 September 2023

The Peregrine's ring

The Peregrines were together on the barracks tower.

I've had a request from the London Peregrine Partnership. The male of the pair is ringed, and they are trying to find the ring number. He has a normal BTO metal ring on his right leg, quite unreadeable from the ground of course, and a plastic ring which looks as if it was once red but has faded on his left leg. The female is definitely not ringed. I've gone through all my pictures since late 2019, when I got my present high quality camera, and very little is visible, mainly as the birds stand on the ledge and you can't see their feet. This is the best picture I could find, greatly magnified, which shows what looks like the letters JK. Does anyone have a better picture?

The male Little Owl at the Serpentine Gallery was uncommonly hard to find in the lime tree.

A Great Tit clung to the stonework of the bridge with a spider in its beak.

A Wren near the Buck Hill shelter was making a loud fuss as usual.

A Grey Wagtail on the edge of the Serpentine. I haven't seen one for some time, and I think they fly in and out and are not permanent residents.

A young Grey Heron posed elegantly on a post at the Vista.

Cormorants washed and preened at the waterfront by Peter Pan.

The Great Crested Grebe family halfway up the Long Water is usually too far away for a good view, but today they came quite close at Peter Pan.

One of the chicks hurried to grab a fish.

You can film the Great Crested Grebe chicks at the bridge by looking straight down from the parapet, though there's the problem of traffic noise.

The family at the Serpentine island were also visible.

The Mute Swans with five cygnets advanced down the Long Water in line astern. The female is leading the procession. Cygnets will follow either parent and are less fixated on their mother than geese.

The Black Swan was back on the Serpentine after his expedition to the Long Water. Unusually it was his girlfriend following him rather than the other way round.

A Willow Emerald damselfly perched on a twig beside the Long Water ...

... and there was a Speckled Wood butterfly on a bramble leaf below.

This Sunday it was a swing band at the Hyde Park bandstand, with some pretty good dancers.


  1. You gotta love a good boogie and groove.

  2. I might be able to get some low quality but quite close pictures of the ring but I am not free to get any until the weekend. Maybe somebody else may have something good?

    1. Anything that can be read, even partly, will be most welcome.

  3. Was the Peregrine looking at you in that picture? Even from so high up!

    1. Yes, the Peregrines often stare down at me. With their superb eyesight they are very aware of people on the ground looking at them and pointing things in their direction.
