Wednesday 13 May 2020

And adult and a young Grey Wagtail looked for small insects on the shore of the Serpentine. The young ones are now completely independent. They are shy birds, but I had been standing on the edge for some time, and they forgot I was there and came very close.

The young Pied Wagtails are now independent and feeding themselves efficiently. The brown debris on the shore is the fluff from the numerous plane trees in the park, which is triggering allergies in human visitors.

Another popular place with wagtails is the deserted platform of Bluebird Boats, now covered with bird droppings which attract insects. An adult male Pied Wagtail sprinted around searching for them.

There was a big party of Swifts feeding over the Serpentine.

A Greenfinch perched on a twig beside the Long Water.

A pair of herons nodded at each other on a moored rowing boat. There's still time for them to nest if they feel like it. Like many birds in the park, they breed much later than those elsewhere.

The Grey Heron whose leg was injured by a bicycle is now getting about a bit better, and seems to be exercising its leg to unstiffen it. This is the unlucky heron that had to be rescued three years ago when it got a bit of plastic net wrapped round its beak -- see this video.

Jenna reports that the young heron hatched this year also has an injured leg. She sent me a small picture taken with her mobile, and it doesn't look as if the leg is broken, so it may make a full recovery.

Sadly, she also found the single surviving Egyptian gosling dead on the shore. It seems to have been killed by a dog.

There are now just six Egyptian goslings left on the lake, out of an original brood of ten.

The male Egyptian of the pair at the Henry Moore sculpture was sitting alone in the grass on Buck Hill. It seems that his mate is nesting again in the dead tree to the north of the sculpture. But this pair have never succeeded in raising a single gosling, so there isn't much to hope for.

A pair of Gadwalls took it easy at the Vista. They can nest in the safety of Buckingham Palace Gardens, where little breeding hutches have been provided for them.

The Mute Swan nesting on the gravel bank at the Vista always has plenty of company.

The Black Swan on the Serpentine ate algae from the wire cage full of twigs that serves as a fish hatchery. That long neck reminded me me slightly of the Brachiosaurus scene from Jurassic Park.

Swans have started to gather on the shore below the Triangle car park, a favourite place for them. There is a good variety of plants for them to eat.

Two Canada goslings helped themselves to a mixed salad.

Buttercups and cowparsley beside the Long Water.


  1. Oh no, oh no, I just can't. I can't. Poor little angel. Poor, poor thing. Some dog owners ARE as good as murderers. Karma is a bitch though, and I hope they will find it so.

    Good news at least, the small miracle about the unfortunate injured Heron.

    1. Everyone is sad about the little Egyptian. We were beginning to have a modest hope for it.

  2. Very sad indeed. For me, that sole survivor was the silver lining of the virus - fewer people, so fewer gulls, and so a chance to prosper. One person and a dog too many.

  3. Very sad indeed - I understand our little Egyptian was affectionately known by some birdwatchers as Darren.
