Thursday 19 March 2020

The Peregrines on the barracks tower were mating. Afterwards, the male flew off without a word of thanks.

The Long-Tailed Tits still aren't quite satisfied with the lining of their nest, and are bringing more feathers. But the pace of work has slackened since yesterday.

There were three Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the trees. One of them came down to use the feeder. This video is by Tom.

Several Pied Wagtails were running around on the grass of the 2012 Olympic site. This area was returfed after the event with high quality sports turf, and the birds particularly like it. Evidently it harbours a better class of insects.

I was feeding some Great Tits near Peter Pan and this Coal Tit came out to have a look. It was clearly interested but didn't dare to come down. Maybe it will get bolder soon.

In the background a Wren climbed head first down a tree, as agile as a Nuthatch.

Surprisingly on a grey damp day, the female Little Owl near the Henry Moore sculpture came out of her hole.

The Carrion Crow that perches on my head has now taken to pecking me to get attention. We call this bumptious bird Headbanger. Thanks to Tom for a finely silly picture.

A crow and a Grey Heron glared at each other on posts at the Vista. They are sworn enemies.

Rose-Ringed Parakeets were stripping new leaves from a tree.

A solitary Mandarin drake cruised by.

A young Herring Gull on the Serpentine played with a stick.

The pigeon-eating Lesser Black-Backed Gull was in his usual place with his mate.

The Coots at the Dell restaurant were busy rebuilding their nest.

A pair of Mute Swans on the Serpentine were just getting into their full courtship ritual which ends in mating when they were interrupted by the dominant male swan. He hates anyone showing the slightest sign of affection on his patch, and is quick to break it up.

When I saw this squirrel on a willow tree beside the Serpentine I thought it was chewing a bit of the bark, a traditional remedy for headaches which contains a natural form of aspirin. But on looking at the photograph it's clear that it had something much more palatable, a chocolate nut cookie.


  1. Are there very few people in the park now?

    1. Yes. You couldn't catch a virus if you trawled for it.

  2. That crow does not respect boundaries!

    1. Or anything else. I'm wearing a thick cotton hat but it's still painful.

  3. Where does the pigeon eating couple usual stay??

    1. NE corner of the Serpentine, next to the Dell restaurant or on its roof.

  4. That's the Grinch of swans, clearly,

    Fantastic picture of Headbanger in its full headbanging glory. I hope still that it'll show you gratitude afterwards at least.

    Those Wagtails clearly move only in the best circles.

    1. That swan really is a monster. He dominates the western half of the Serpentine, and no other swan or goose is allowed to do anything but cringe before his imperial majesty.

      Gratitude is not an emotion felt by crows.
