Saturday, 22 February 2020

A windy day didn't deter the Carrion Crows in the Dell from looking for worms among the flailing daffodils.

A Blue Tit had to hang on tight to the swaying twig as it ate a pine nut.

One of the pair of Long-Tailed Tits nesting in a gorse bush in the Rose Garden was bringing material to the nest, but halted in a thorny bush to sit out a strong gust.

In the lime tree near the Henry Moore sculpture, the rising wind soon drove the Little Owl back into the hole and I was lucky to get a picture.

More turf has been laid at the Redwings' usual place on the Parade Ground, so they have moved east, crossing the path into a small enclosure.

The Grey Herons' nest at the east end of the island had a bird in it again today, but it flew down to be with its mate on the ground. It looks as if this nest will be the next one to get going -- but how slow our herons are compared to those in the other parks.

A heron waited on a post at the bridge, expecting to be fed.

Another view of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull pair on the Long Water, which have regained their place on the raft. The pale one on the right seems just within the limit of variation of the pale British race, but it's hard to judge as the colour changes with the angle of the light.

Four Coots fought on the Serpentine.

These Mute Swans usually nest in the middle of the island, but now that a new pond has been put in there the gates are shut to keep the swans from destroying the reeds. They will just have to nest on the edge, a reasonably safe place as foxes are reluctant to swim to the island.

But a fox did cross last year, and killed a goose and a young heron.

A quick visit to the Round Pond to check on the Black Swan.

The contemplation of Egyptian Geese is a form of meditation.

Primroses are out in the usual place near the bridge. Planted years ago by an old Australian gardener long since retired, they come up every year.

A tree near the Italian Garden has a constantly renewed memorial to some sad but unknown death here. The ribbon is used to attach a bunch of flowers. But the person who remembers has also had the good idea of planting some miniature narcissus bulbs around the tree, a fine act of unlicensed gardening.


  1. I am catching a train from Paddington tomorrow so I hope to pop in and see the Black Swan

    1. Good luck. I expect the Black Swan to be on the Round Pond. Whether the Little Owls are visible depends largely on the weather. The forecast is unpromising: more wind, more rain.

  2. The picture of the narcissus growing in memory of the dead is beyond poetic. It tells volumes without any need for words.

    When is the wind going to finally let up? Rain one can tolerate, but wind is so darn uncomfortable.

    1. Yes, homemade monuments are more moving than fine marble slabs.

      According to forecasts, this boring wind is going to blow for at least another week.
