Monday, 7 January 2019

Two Blackbirds in the Rose Garden were doing well in their worm hunt.

Several Wood Pigeons browsed on ivy berries at the back of the Lido.

A small flock of Long-Tailed Tits passed by the bridge.

Both the Peregrines were on the barracks tower. Although they are mates, they always keep their distance from each other.

One of the Grey Herons in the lower nest had just changed places on the eggs, and had a preen before flying away.

Two other herons chased each other up ...

... and down the Serpentine.

Two Herring Gulls were calling to each other, and when one of them sat down I thought they were mates and the display was symbolic of nesting. But not a bit of it: they started fighting.

A Lesser Black-Backed Gull ate a large fish which had apparently died of natural causes.

A male Egyptian Goose tried to mate, but got on to his mate the wrong way round.

A Mute Swan enjoyed a vigorous wash.

A Moorhen preened on a rail in the Italian Garden. You can hear the sound of the fountains.

As it started to get dark, the female Little Owl near the Queen's Temple came out of her hole ...

... looked around, and called quietly.


  1. Who is she calling to? She calls so softly.

    That Egyptian is the Margites of the avian world, a man so foolish that had to be taught how to act on his wedding night.

    1. Her mate was not visible, but may have been in the same hole farther up the hollow branch.

      Alopochen margitomanes would be a good taxonomic name for the Egyptian Goose. They make Mallards look quite intellectual.
