Another day of rain with intervals of drizzle didn't put off the small birds: quite the opposite. I was chased by a horde of Great Tits, with a few Blue Tits and Coal Tits, all the way from Queen's Gate to the bridge. You only had to stop in front of a bush for them to collect. This is the paperbush in the Flower Walk ...
... and this is the corkscrew hazel just along the path.
The female Chaffinch was at the bridge again, wanting pine nuts but hard to feed. You have to put them on the bridge parapet, but the Feral Pigeons quickly notice this and barge in.
The other Chaffinches are easier, because the pair that appear in various parts of Kensington Gardens like to catch pine nuts thrown in the air, and the ones in the Rose Garden choose an otherwise unoccupied bit of flower bed to make their appeals.
The Blue Tit in the Rose Garden who has a permanently raised crest was one of the first to come for food before the shrubbery was destroyed. Now there are half a dozen of them.
The Robin near the Henry Moore sculpture can be depended on to appear.
So can several Jays, this one in the next tree ...
... and these two in the birches between Peter Pan and the Italian Garden.
The ruins of the Parade Ground were full of Starlings looking for worms. So far the Redwings haven't turned up, but there are some in Kensington Gardens so they should be along soon.
A pair of pigeons were clearly in love.
A Grey Heron on the Long Water was examining the shore, no doubt hoping to see a rat.
The heron fishing at the boathouse paused to have a drink.
The heron in the nest at the west end of the island, usually seen standing, was sitting down. I'm pretty sure it was just resting its legs and not sitting on eggs. There was a second heron with it just once several weeks ago, but no other sign of pairing or courtship.
The one in the upper nest was fussing around. There's no way of finding out what's going on in that high place: we just have to wait and see.
Rain was not going to stop the Black-Headed Gull on the landing stage from guarding his territory. The only place where raindrops are clinging to him is on his wingtips, perhaps because the ends of the feathers get frayed and slightly fuzzy.
The Coots that nest on the wire baskets by the bridge have let their nest fall to pieces but are still occupying the remains. No doubt they will rebuild it when spring comes.
The six teenage Mute Swans were together on the gravel strip under the Henry Moore sculpture, with their parents not far away.
Their parents are not yet showing any interest in the nesting island, but as soon as they do the youngsters will get the push, a terrible shock for these pampered creatures.
It brightened up slightly later, though the drizzle never stopped. A pair of Shovellers revolved endlessly together on the Round Pond. They don't seem to get dizzy.
Talking of herons, Neil tipped me off some years ago that they are mad about cheese. Being able to get certain amounts of the stuff for nothing, I have been testing our heron at SJP (Heironymous) to a selection. Thus far, he has hoovered up medium cheddar, Camembert and Red Leicester, so am wondering whats next. Will send a photo tomorrow. :)
ReplyDeletePs am not surprised that you are being mobbed by the little birds. My lot at SJP are attacking in waves, and are usually lying in wait at the black gates just north of the Tube station. Numbers are holding steady at 40 or so - still optimistic for a record-breaking breeding season. :)
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see if the heron will tolerate blue cheese. My guess is that it will wolf the stuff down.
DeleteI did have the choice of blue cheese or red Leicester, and chose ref to be on the safe side - if the chance comes up again, will try blue and see what happens. Might add crackers and silverskin onions if finances allow. ;)
DeleteNow there's a question of serious scientific interest. Will herons eat pickled onions?
DeleteWell, I still have the memory of a heron wolfing down a Chelsea bun at The Gardens around nine years ago, so who knows? ::)
DeleteCheese Gromit!!
ReplyDeleteThere's something vaguely disquieting in two bushfulls of Great Tits waiting to pounce. Like an army of tiny road bandits.
ReplyDeleteHerons will hoover anything down that can be kept down, I would wager.
It is slightly disconcerting to be bombarded with small birds, but no injuries ensue, either to me of to them. It's remarkable how they manage not to collide when they all try to arrive at once.