Friday 20 September 2024

Grebe still stuck, but in no danger

The young great Crested Grebe is still stuck in the little stream in the Dell, despite three attempts by Nick Burnham the Wildlife Officer to catch it. However, it's fishing busily and seems quite content. It enjoys the turbulence under the small waterfall.

Nick thinks he can get it eventually. At least this isn't an emergency rescue.

The other young grebe on the Serpentine took a break from fishing and went over to pester its father, who took no notice. They really can support themselves now.

Another adult is already in plain winter plumage.

The Coot in the nest on the post at Peter Pan looked tenderly at one of the chicks ...

... but a hungry Lesser Black-Backed Gull was standing on the next post.

The odd discoloured Lesser Black-Back was in the water by the Dell restaurant, staring out with its dark eyes.

Pigeon Eater was only a few yards away and seemed to tolerate its presence. Perhaps it's part of the family.

The single Mute cygnet on the Serpentine is now fully grown. It doesn't seem to interact with the other swans, and was by itself at the Lido.

A Grey Heron preened in one of the small lime trees that line the Serpentine Road. The leaves are already turning yellow.

A Jackdaw came down to the edge to drink and accept a peanut. They all expect to be fed, and must have moved here from the original colony near the Round Pond.

The Little Owl was still in the same awkward spot where you can hardly see her.

Ahmet Amerikali got a good shot of one of the Goldcrests in the yew tree by the bridge.

A Robin at Mount Gate called for service ...

... and the dominant Robin in the Flower Walk was most impatient at being photographed.

A young fox emerged from the bushes in the Dell, stood on a rock to have a look around ...

... and trotted down to the bottom, coming within a few feet. They no longer take any notice of people staring at them over the railings, and carry on with their normal life.

Michaelmas daisies in the Rose Garden attracted a Buff-Tailed Bumblebee and a Honeybee.


  1. Hi Ralph, glad to hear that the grebe WILL be rescued at some point...the pics (fox & two robins) were outstanding, even by your high standards !..going to view some ospreys on Saturday, regards,Stephen..

    1. Hope you get some good views of the Ospreys seizing fish.

  2. Yes, should be interesting, but we are going there mainly to inspect the repairs to the posts/etc that some idiots cut down with chainsaws !! really DOES make you very pessimistic about the future of the human race........regards,Stephen...

  3. He does seem brisk, lively, and businesslike enough, cruising around like a little emerging submarine. I am relieved that rescue isn't as urgent as it initially seemed.

    1. Julia sent me a video of the grebe swallowing a very large carp it had caught. It will be on the next blog post, if I am spared.
