Tuesday 6 November 2018

The pigeon-killing Lesser Black-Backed Gull had already taken two Feral Pigeons this morning. A bird that I think is his mate was finishing off his most recent kill ...

... while the young one that is probably his offspring had just picked the last scrap off the first one.

The pigeon killer himself was prowling around looking for a third.

It's unusual to find something a Herring Gull won't eat, but this gull made no attempt to eat a piece of Turkish delight. I think it simply didn't realise that this flabby pink stuff was food.

There was no doubt in this Black-Headed Gull's mind about a bit of pizza. It trotted off rapidly to eat it in private.

My old friend EY09813 landed at my feet to demand a digestive biscuit.

The small birds in the Rose Garden have now found the feeder again after I had to move it to get it away from the rats. Both the Coal Tits from nearby the copper beech were on it ...

... and a Great Tit clung to the supporting chain.

There were also a Great Tit ...

... and a Coal Tit in the pink-leafed bush near the bridge.

The autumn colours provide no end of attractive backgrounds. This Jay was in a tree near the Italian Garden.

The female Peregrine stood on the barracks tower.

The Black Swan was near the Dell restaurant, asserting herself strongly. She bit a Mute Swan ...

... and chased it away.

Shovellers don't just shovel blindly. They can actually find patches of the little creatures they filter out of the water. This drake fed just below the surface, then deeper, and then, finding no more food in the area, went off and had a rest.

Another drake preened nearby.


  1. Wonder if the gull was repelled by the taste/aroma of the Turkish delight, hence it tried to wash it and turn it over. Many creatures would be naturally averse to consuming strong plant essential oils. I recall something about one of my family not liking Turkish delight when we were young. Jim

    1. Pink Turkish delight is usually rose flavoured. I find this rather repulsive too.
